Orientation and Welcome Leaders

Meet Your Orientation and Welcome Leaders (OWLs)

These student leaders will be present at Orientation and Welcome Weekend events to assist you in your transition to life at Saint Francis.

Hey! I’m Annamarie, and I am a nursing major. I am from Anchorage, Alaska and enjoy anything that has to do with being outside and coffee! I am excited to be an OWL this semester and am looking forward to meeting everyone!

Hi everyone! My name is Ashley, and I am from Cincinnati, Ohio. I am a senior Environmental Science and Biology: Pre-Veterinary Science major. I am also an RA in Clare Hall as well as on the softball team here at Saint Francis. Some of my favorite things include food, hiking, and hammocking. A fun fact about me is that I have a Ph.D. in Dr. Pepper! I cannot wait to meet everyone!

Hey there! My name is Audrie, and I am a sophomore at Saint Francis. I am a pre-dental major (yes, I like teeth, it’s not weird, I promise) at the university and plan to attend dental school after graduation. I am originally from Huntington, IN which is just south of Saint Francis. I am a big homebody and LOVE to be with my family and pets, so Saint Francis was a perfect choice. I also LOVE to bake and to cook so don’t be surprised if you ever see me with homemade goodies from home!

Hey! I’m Brenden, and I’m an incoming sophomore at Saint Francis! I’m a triplet with my brothers both attending college here as well! My major is Theology, and I love my Catholic faith! I love to write, read, draw, and play video games to pass the time, but I also love to sing and be with my friends!

My name is DeNiro. I am a Psychology major at the University of Saint Francis. I play football at the University of Saint Francis, and I also make hip-hop music that glorifies God. I am a CIA club member and the Black student Association media specialist and a member of the BSA. I also believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  

Hi, my name is Gracie. I’m from Crown Point, Indiana, and I’m a sophomore and a Biology Pre-PA major. I like painting when I have the time, knitting, picnics, and hanging out with my friends. I’m also part of the Assisi Program of Discipleship and Leadership. I’m excited to get to know everyone and share my love of the University!

Hi! My name is Hannah Szelis, and I will be a sophomore in the fall of 2024! I am pursuing an associate’s degree in Diagnostic Medical Imaging, AKA Sonography. I just accepted my seat in the program and am so excited to start those next steps in the fall. I will also be completing a minor in health. I live on campus, but I am pretty close from home, which is Huntington, Indiana. I enjoy being with family and friends on my free time as well as keeping busy with two jobs. I cannot wait to meet the new faces of Saint Francis and have the privilege of welcoming new students into this beautiful community. I can’t wait to share the unity I have experienced on campus and build new friendships! 

Hi! I’m Isabella and I will be a senior nursing major this fall. This is my second year being a part of FYE and I look forward to meeting you all. I currently spend my free time working with newborn babies, shopping, and hanging out with my friends. 

My name is Jack Doughty. I am a Junior at Saint Francis, and I am from Australia! I’m a Music Technology major, and I love to bring the Good Vibes everywhere I go. I’m also part of the men’s soccer team here which is such a privilege to be able to play my favourite sport at a college level. If you see me around campus, come say G’day because I’m always happy to chat!

Hey there. My name is Jannik, 21 years old, and I am from Munich in Germany. I am the goalkeeper for the Saint Francis soccer program, and now I am going into my second year at this university majoring in Business Administration. I really enjoy doing sports in general, connecting with people, and exploring different places all over the world, which is also one of the reasons why I am studying abroad. I am really looking forward to meeting you and helping you to get used to a new environment here at Saint Francis!

Hey friends! My name is Joanna but a lot of people call me Jo, and I’m from Avon, Indiana. I am a senior majoring in Social Work with an associate in dance, and I love cooking, hiking, camping, and being a beloved child of God. I am also an RA in Bonzel, a student missionary, and one of the worship team leads. Nothing makes me more excited than talking about Jesus, my faith, and how He has transformed my life in the past 3 years! I am excited to meet all of you this summer, and if you ever need a big sister to talk to about anything I would be delighted to sit and chat!

Hi everyone! My name is Laura Thornell, and I’m from Paulding, Ohio, which is basically a bunch of corn fields. I am majoring in Biology Pre-Physician Assistant Studies, and I enjoy baking, reading, and spending time outside. I can’t wait for the upcoming school year and getting to meet many new friends!


Hey! I am Nevaha DiFilippo, and I am a sophomore in the Elementary Education program! I am the oldest of seven girls yes all girls! I also have the most amazing dog to ever walk to earth and will ALWAYS be down to talk about him! So excited to see all of you this year!


My name is Olivia Rutkowski, and I’m from Van Wert, Ohio. I’m an animation major who enjoys Studio Ghibli movies. I’m a part of the Assisi Program and am devoted to my faith. I have an older brother and three older sisters. I’m obsessed with dogs, especially my cocker spaniel, Poppy.


Hi! My name is Siddha. I’m from Seymour, Indiana which is about three hours south of here. I am in the Assisi Program here at Saint Francis and love it so much, which makes me excited for this opportunity!


Hey y’all! My name is Veronica, and I am a senior majoring in Music Technology. I am from Columbia City, which is like 20 minutes from Saint Francis, and I am in the Assisi Program. I have 6 siblings, 4 cats, 15 chickens, and a whole lotta love for Jesus. I am also a Student Missionary and worship team lead, and I am super excited to be on the OWL team again!